The Get Real Blog

The Patient Leader
January 17, 2011, 8:21 am
Filed under: Best of The Get Real Blog, Commitment

Projects almost never go the way I suspect that they will. They seem to take longer or have more obstacles than I can plan for. As some of you know, I have created a project called The Aconcagua Man Project. This project has required great patience from me. The preparation, planning, time, resources, obstacles, and disappointments have tempered me to my core. This 9 month leadership project is a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual kick ass journey that culminates in our summiting the highest mountain in the world outside of Asia. The Mighty Mountain of Aconcagua will require me taking one day and one step at a time. It will likely temper me and 6 other men in our personal leadership as we deal with temperatures ranging from 90 degrees Fahrenheit to a freezing 50 below zero wind chills.

I suspect that you too have a project that is testing your fortitude? One of the many benefits in planning and executing my climb of this Argentinean Giant are the subtle differences about when to press on something and when to allow something. This has me looking more fully at the higher forms of leadership. How about you? What is your Aconcagua? What leadership mountain are you climbing? I would love to hear about it? And mostly I would love to hear what you are learning.

It would be easier to avoid projects like these. You and I could sit back on the couch and watch life go by. Ultimately, that idea sounds better to me than it really is. It only works for a while. I feel these projects assist us as leaders to fine tune our greatest Selves.

We leave for Mendoza on January 16th. I return safely to Denver on February 9th. As you are interested in our journey please subscribe to the daily dispatches of our expedition at Also, any positive MO-JO you want to send our way would be greatly appreciated.

How has being patient served you as a leader? When does being too patient work against you? In joy the journey.

Onward and Upward

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Awesome Stephen! Sounds like one of those opportunities of a lifetime!

My Aconcagua includes my new business and personal goals that challenge me at times, and remind me to take one step at a time up that mountain, to the apex of fulfillment, success and glory that I now know is there for me. I look forward to sharing more soon, after your safe return. I so look forward to hearing about your experiences.

Have a Most Awe-Inspiring and Life-Transforming Journey my Friend!


Comment by Nanette Cheval


I am just now getting fully present to my life here in Denver. While I have been home for a month, it seem like days ago that I was standing on the summit of this mighty mountain.

Its great to hear your inspired work is still moving forward. One step and one breath at a time seems to be my mantra for all things now. I learned that well on my climbing journey. I like how you focus on the “apex” called fulfilllment. Nice hearing from you my friend.

best Stephen

Comment by Stephen

Go Stephen! Sending Love & Light… and enjoying following this from afar.
My big climbs this year are a series of exhibitions for a new collection of sculptures, and running the next course for The Young Masters Initiative.
Two key learnings:
1) I have learned to see my success, which brings me joy. I had spent years focussing on worrying as if that would give me solutions. It didn’t! Now I’m enjoying the climb so much more!!
2) Anytime I notice I am getting inefficient in any way (tired, over busy, negative, thinking the goals are in my lists!) I remind myself that what I am truly after is happening right now, and consider that taking time to get back in centre is time well spent. Often a bit of nothing brings me what I really want and shows me the next best step to make.

Climb well, my friend. Sending Light.

LL, Sam

Comment by Sam Wigan


I had the inspired priveledge of seeing some of your recent work. It is really an up-leveled version of who you are being as a man. I love the depth of your work.

I missed the G retreat this year due to the climb…and I had the biggest retreat ever and are you thinking that far ahead for this year?

be well and thanks for posting your summits.



Comment by Stephen

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