The Get Real Blog

PIC Your Way To The Top
October 21, 2010, 8:58 am
Filed under: Commitment | Tags: , , , ,

Deuce Lutui is the best offensive lineman in the NFL. It’s irrefutable to anyone that talks with him. Why? His Personal Internal Commitment to himself is to be the BEST. You can’t be the best at anything unless you can get your head around it first. So, what does Deuce Lutui have to do with you and me? Everything! His demonstration of leadership is inspiring people all over the globe. One day Mr. Lutui had a revelation. His epiphany starts in the psychology of who he is to himself. Never mind that the Ultimate Coach Steve Hardison ( ) lifted Deuce’s 360 lb frame into the heavens by challenging his very existence into a reality. Let’s forget for a moment that the cellular make up a Tongan stud like Lutui is to be humbled and to be a good servant. What Mr. Hardison helped Deuce to realize is that his beliefs around being humbled were in direct conflict with his abilities to be great! There is a tendency in some of our DNA to play it safe. I know full well how to rationalize my less than stellar performance in the name of humility. It’s total BS. Belief Systems are slippery…so why not pick a belief that radically supports the ultimate goal? That is to be the BEST.

I invite you to consider how you feel when you see a great skater receive a gold medal after 15 years of practice, or perhaps an Oscar winning actor that gets a great message to the people. Personally, I loved when Roberto Benigni went crazy at the Oscars; because he knew what he had done was amazing. The point is that each of us has greatness and as a leader you can choose the propensity to bring it forward in yourself and in those around you. We watch movies of the hero’s journey because ultimately we want to see people win. If we want to see others win, why not choose winning for ourselves.

Every single person reading this post has brilliance inside. If my personal internal commitment is to “get by” then guess what? I teach my mind, heart and body to respond to my lackluster performances. If however, I make the inner commitment to being outstanding at something, all things seen and not seen move forward to accomplish that mindset. I am not saying it will occur without serious sweat and maybe even tears. It will require the best of YOU. Great leaders expect high standards in their people. They inspire us to be our greatest selves and they will do just about anything to encourage that to happen. The point is that each of us has greatness interwoven into our Soul. Perhaps the Soul itself is so great that our current endeavor is to get in touch with it. As a leader you can choose the propensity to bring it forward in yourself and in those around you.

Today, I invite you to read the whole story on Deuce Lutui. Go to and read up on The Best Offensive Lineman In The NFL. It’s a story full of life and living as a leader. It’s a story about Personal Internal Commitment. It’s a love story of the greatest proportions. And I ask you, my friends, to discover your own PIC as you navigate your way to the very tip top of your personal and professional objectives.

Have a GREAT week.
