The Get Real Blog

The Purposeful Leader
December 2, 2010, 10:42 am
Filed under: Action, Vulnerability | Tags: , , ,

We have gotten lazy in the name of introspection. Yes, I feel that introspection and “knowing” thyself is of incredible value in terms of life and leadership. Yet, I find that many of us are using “process” as a way to rationalize our non-action. Why? Because it’s easier for me to sit on my duff in the name of process rather than to take an action that actually accomplishes something.

Being in One’s process is overrated. After awhile it’s like a stinky shoe. The smell won’t go away, unless I do something to make it smell better. As a professional leadership coach I have the amazing gift in my life to create results with people and businesses. I love it, because I have the opportunity every day to see what works and what doesn’t work for people. Mostly the difference between a non-result and a result lies in traversing the gap between process and purpose. Consider that in every moment you are living in a vacuum of space and time. Inside of that vortex is a choice between thinking about doing something and actually doing something.

For example I can sit at my computer and be in a process about what to write or I can just begin writing. The cursor on my computer screen could care less. I don’t initiate my purpose until I actually begin typing something.

I ask you to consider this week the value in being on purpose. What would your experience be today if you were fully on purpose? Most people say they feel more enlivened and their life reveals a quality of depth and meaning. Some of us question what it means to be “on purpose”. Can you see that the very question pulls you into process rather than execution? It’s a slippery egoistic way to keep you on the couch as opposed to serving the world.

Leadership is tricky because the moment you move to purpose there will likely be someone standing there to question your process. Can you see the conundrum? This is where you will find resolve from one moment to the next. I find that the commitment lies in the very depth of my intention. That defines my purpose.

Also, you might find solace in the idea that process never ends. It never ends because it is similar to a “loop” in a computer software program. It keeps seeking to find something. The problem is that there is often no answer to the question that I am processing. Can you hear that?

I have two questions for you today. One, what is your purpose today? Two, what will you do to convert your purpose to action?

Have an purpose oriented day filled with action.

What’s your gigantic impossible dream?
December 4, 2008, 4:29 pm
Filed under: Action | Tags: , ,


     What’s your gigantic impossible dream? Do you have one? Have you given up on one? Why would anyone want a dream when the economy is so sluggish? I mean after all we are in the midst of a serious recession. Did you know it is official now?
     Dreaming big is critical to powerful leadership and living life. Lots of people don’t have dreams for fear they may not come true. If you don’t believe me, I encourage you to ask the next 10 people you meet. What’s your dream? Most people get this semi glazed look about them, and go into some part of the brain that may not have been accessed for quite awhile.
     Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream. At that time his dream was considered by many to be ridiculous. I think his dream was accomplished.  He had a dream that one day blacks and whites could drink from the same water fountain, as one tiny example of his dream. I wonder what it would have been like for Dr. King to get up out of bed with the idea of accomplishing his dream. My sense is that he jumped out of bed. I bet the little things in life did not stop him for too long. I think it is partly why we celebrate his very life. Most people take a day off on his birthday. .He had a dream that was manifest through his leadership. While his tragic assassination ended his life short…was his short life well lived?
     How about Richard Branson the billionaire owner of Virgin airlines etc. I know he has dreams. He keeps living into his dreams. Does he face obstacles? Yes, my guess is that Mr. “adventure” Branson has some very real obstacles. So what? I think living as a leader requires having a big ass dreams. Dreams can propel us into a new way of being. Dreams keep us edgy, real, authentic and inspired. Dreams are like Baked Alaska…they are only ordered on special occasions.
     In one of my coaching sessions this week, I asked my client to create his impossible dream. He was amazing. I could tell he had given it considerable thought. It did not take him long to list the gigantic dreams that he has. Were they all realistic? Heck no. That’s just the point.  His dreams were so big that I know (he knows) he will never accomplish some of them. Once he spent some time in “Dreamville” (is that a real place?)  I dropped the billion dollar question. Who would you have to be as a leader to make that happen? Ok, now you could hear a pin drop. Then very gently I lifted the velvet hammer. Why not just start being that way today. His face lit up. His shoulders went back and he became the man he had always wanted to be. Well, at least in that moment. Now, he gets to practice consistently leading his life from that place. 
     Leaders are good at being .You must be the thing that you want to lead into. Be it now. Don’t wait. The dream will give you permission to behave in the way that the dream requires. The brain is funny that way. I don’t mean funny as in humorous. I mean funny as in peculiar. The brain does not know the difference between imagined and real. Don’t believe me?  Take a bite of an imaginary lemon right now. What happened?
     I challenge you to dream big. This is the perfect time of year to consider a big dream goal for next year.  Be specific…then behave consistently in the direction of that dream. My sense is that the quality of your leadership/life will change.
     Enjoy the process. Please share with me. What is your Impossible Dream? Perhaps one day, I can assist you in making that happen?
     Lead on. Dream on.

Be the President of Your Own Life! Rise Above the Rhetoric!


I have just released a video and eBook titled “Be the President of Your Own Life!” check out the video below…

How many of you have been thinking a wee bit about politics lately? For me, it has been hard not to think about it. I see it as a good thing. Thinking that is. I know there have been many times in my life…I have neglected my freedom to think. I remember times where it seemed easier to just think what other people were thinking…What do you think about politics? I bring it up as a perspective for leadership and not as a political commentary. I watched most of the Democratic Convention and I am watched most of the Republican Convention. I did this because I wanted to think.

I believe that many times in my life I have only wanted to listen to the side of a debate or point of view that I already knew I agreed on. I did that because I wanted to be right.  I realized last year in a passionate dinner table conversation how differently some people close to me think. The family member I debated probably thought the same about me. However, the key is thinking and thought.

Most of us want someone to make our minds up for us.  Sometimes I think we want someone to just solve our problems rather than think about them ourselves. What do you think?  I have done this. Have you? Well, when I chose to get real this week about the conventions I decided to throw out my old thoughts and listen anew. I wanted to really learn and to think and the only way I know how to do that is to check out both sides of the proverbial coin. .

I think Miracle Leadership does that. Being a miracle leader involves a willingness to think of other points of view. I want to listen as neutrally as possible so I can really learn and think. I think we have forgotten how to think. The fastest way to progress is for us each to really own our life…to listen to other points of view and then make choices. Yes, I believe all of us should vote. To vote firstly for our Selves and then to get so clear about our values that what/whom we vote for is clear as a bell. Ding Ding.  Let’s wake up and vote for our Selves to be the President of our own lives. To have our own policy’s that we live by and have deeply integrated as conviction.

The other day I was speaking to a friend. I said “It’s not that I care so much WHAT someone is thinking, I just care that someone is thinking.” I know that the times in my life that I have been thinking are the times that I have been fully living. So perhaps the conventions are a great way to remember what you think? What do you own as a conviction for your life? What matters most to you? And finally who are you going to vote for each and every day to ensure you live a life that you love?

VOTE for your Self! THINK for your Self! EMPOWER your Self! Join the Miracle Leader Movement and get the free eBook “Be the President of Your Own Life” by going to